Calculate your company's carbon footprint

Calculate your carbon footprint and visualise it in an easy-to-navigate and customisable dashboard. Our certified methodology means you can explore your data and make informed decisions with confidence.

Your carbon footprint is the prerequisite to your sustainability journey

Calculating your corporate carbon footprint is defined by measuring all relevant emissions across scopes 1, 2 and 3. This step is crucial, as this analysis will define the baseline year that you will compare all your reduction efforts to.

Bringing awareness to the total corporate carbon footprint and value chain emissions of a business enables all efforts of energy savings, cost savings, and overall environmental impact reductions to commence. Plan A harnesses the latest technology and carbon accounting methodology to calculate your emissions in a matter of minutes.
sust journey step - graphs report
Our solution

Understand your carbon footprint

The latest climate science at your fingertips. Our carbon accounting methodology is certified by TÜV Rheinland, and is compliant with the GHG protocol.
Compare emissions across all scopes and facilities, obtain benchmarks for your industry, and identify emissions hotspots you can immediately take action against.
Customise and tailor the emissions dashboard to suit your business needs and focus areas.

Why is calculating emissions on all scopes crucial?

Comply with regulations

Calculating your carbon emissions, on all relevant scopes, enables you to prepare for current and future regulations that otherwise may inflict a negative financial impact on your company and its value chain.

Manage climate risk and increase resilience

Inaction on climate change could cost the world’s economy US$178 trillion by 2070. Climate risk poses significant challenges to businesses across all sectors, emphasising the urgent need for proactive measures to mitigate these risks and build resilience in the face of a rapidly changing climate.

Less CO2 = fewer costs

Identifying and quantifying CO2 emissions helps to recognise inefficiencies and financial blind spots. Lowering GHG emissions typically goes hand in hand with increasing efficiency and cost-effectiveness in a company's process.

Access the carbon market

More and more companies have to pay a price for every tonne of CO2 they emit. This is the so-called carbon trading system. More carbon pricing initiatives are emerging, prices for GHG emissions are on the rise and the private sector is implementing internal carbon pricing systems of its own.
Our sustainability experts

Calculate your emissions across all scopes

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